Derek Peden

Follow @derekpeden on

: The French have turned watching the opening ceremony into an Olympic endurance sport

: Great job with KamaLaw & Order. Love this

: Tom Tugendhat’s Tory leadership campaign mocked for ‘Turd’ acronym Well it takes one to know one.

: My iPhone just randomly lost contact photo and the number of steps to add only a contact photo is …

: I’m struck by the hypocrisy over the Dujardin video. I mean how does anyone think you can get …

: Really looking forward to never seeing this again for a while

: All aboard the M3 train. After years of delay, deliberation and false starts I’ve ordered a new …

: The plot thickens courtesy of Amazon undercutting Apple’s new price and only £111 more than the …

: Boarding the M3 Train One month later and my indecision over a new MacBook continues. Currently I’m debating with myself …

: I don’t think it’s going to make it till September without a fight. My Series 4 is spending as much …

: Connected 509

: Barack on Joe a patriot of the highest order Certainly should be seen as an act of citizenship sto …

: I won’t be the first to say that plenty of brave men and women have actually taken a bullet for …

: Open Threads… Scroll… Close Threads (and I do mean force quit). Zuck once again demonstrating there …

: Summertime question, to buy or not to buy There is the annual summertime debate over purchasing anything new in the summer or waiting until …

: Wondrous Tomorrow marks our anniversary in our first home together and I’ve never been happier. I don’t I can …

: Without question the most unique selfie I’ve ever posted. Shoulder is all clear but still “frozen”

: The rest of the world looks on in disbelief.

: Wow. Did he just dodge a bullet twice in 48hrs?

: Trump should be for fix, not fight I couldn’t agree more. Except I’d rather he was out the way …

: This would be huge

: Independence Day. Finally we can be free from these clowns.

: It turns out building bridges is hard…

: Turned on the coverage from Glastonbury Festival and aged about 130 years. Can’t say …

: Mmmmm… What goes up just come down…

: One of the things I can look forward to with a modern Mac is modern Apple Notes. It’s …

: Well that was summer…. It’s like a winter’s night

: If insomnia is not being able to sleep, what’s waking up before the morning alarm? Other than …

: I really don’t to find a single bee and certainly not 180,000 bees in the ceiling.

: I can only hope that the trend of the UK Election Opinion Polls continue to next Thursday and bring …

: Who knew there was such a thing as the World marmalade championships.

: Fun to read the blogs from those travelling. I need to do the same the next time I’m …

: MacBook decision time? After many months/years of contemplating updating my ageing MacBook Pro I’ve accepted the …

: Really enjoyed seeing an Apple 1 in National Museum of Scotland. Just a pity it was a rushed visit …

: Are Apple’s spacial photos like “magic eye” images from the 90s? In that some people (including me) …

: The Voice Assistant Who Cried Wolf I hope I’m wrong this time, but this is the one area where …

: All of this week’s WWDC content on AI specific features are needs the caveat of “if this works”. …

: Search over. Found in bin. A copper bin. Aka Faraday Cage.

: Damn it. So far “Find My” hasn’t helped locate it either.

: Finished. From wooden kit to finished model in a day. I’m happy with that result.

: Intricate and not much room for error. Also wood isn’t known for high precision machining

: I have to admit that this is a little daunting. I’ll see you in 3 months….

: Indeed, Orange is the New Black.

: Finished the last working day in my forties. I’ve no idea how that happened.

: I’d love to see iPad OS “window” management be considerably less fragile. For example breaking Split …

: Making more of the iPad? Since I’ve thought about replacing my iPad mini and possibly even the pencil with a new iPad Pro, I …

: Here’s to the last Saturday night in my 40’s. By this next week it will be a whole new thing.

: Guy English solving the fundamental problems with iPadOS on the Rebound Podcast. What a great quote!

: Hey Siri, what’s the weather today? use Carrot weather, allow or don’t allow? Allow use Carrot …

: Find myself looking the new iPad Air even if I don’t know why and have no apparent use for an iPad …

: About time too. Rishi Sunak announces 4 July General Election As reported by BBC News. And the …

: Well done “F” for putting up with me. Heard to believe but 12 months ago today I stepped …

: Limitations and reality of iPad, M4 or otherwise Like many, I’ve tried and failed to use an iPad like I use a Mac. The promise of iOS has not lived …

: Another OS feature that failed to deliver.

: I can’t help but fold wrappers. I’ve been doing that since I was 16.

: I have 320 Shortcuts and utilise less than 32 with any frequency. I think it’s time to “bring out …

: Successfully subscribed mindnode to an app that let’s pay for the subscription but not install …

: Another Callander Toy Fair

: We salute you John. A great-grandfather from Merseyside has become the world’s oldest living …

: Regrettably I’ve cancelled my subscription for Glass. This is a beautiful photography app and …

: Oh there is so much good stuff on this Blogroll

: AI Bubble Everyone finds new approaches which they can’t support, preferring consistency over revolution. For …

: Found myself engrossed in a video on why Mickey Mouse is famous, and it’s not the character or …

: Tired of feeling cold. Some warmer weather can’t come soon enough.

: Welcome to the year 2000. And everything like else from 2000 it’s shockingly bad. However at …

: With the release of the MacBook Air with 3rd generation of SOC for the Air class laptops the buying …

: After a day clearing up my desk and not doing task, calendar or financial management I’ve …

: Today is another reminder that “no good deed goes unpunished”. Any offer will ultimately …

: Love the look of this place

: I’ve picked up a used Remarkable 2 e-ink tablet from eBay. I’ve started using it for meeting notes, …

: I’m genuinely annoyed that I catch myself being interested in the Apple “Video Player” despite …

: New policy for email: unless this is essential for me to be notified every marketing email will be …


: Nice evening walk. However just after taking these I was unexpectedley testimg Apple Watdh fall …

: Apple releases iOS 17.3. I’m not updating yet I’ll wait for a bit as usual.

: Storm Isha looks to be a bit rough. Widespread warnings are in place across the UK as Storm Isha …

: Stunning view of the Ben.

: Planning for more content to be generated and shared this year. True that’s been the case the …

: Watched Dune (2021), or tried to. Managed about an hour and then had to give up. 🍿

: One of the central use cases for the Apple vision, pro is watching video. So I fully expect a range …

: Binge watching Yellowstone. Now deep in Series 2.

: Another one.

: A winter wonderland

: Spent a couple of hours catching up on my DayOne journal, recalling key moments from the last few …

: Highlight from a Boxing Day stroll

: Reached the time of my life where I need physiotherapy and suffer the pain from the resulting …

: Gorgeous Day

: Evernote free users could be limited to just 50 notes, as plan tested. I’m honestly surprised …

: An easy mistake to make

: You can only check for so much when you buy a new home. However no amount of diligence will be able …

: Yet another game of “Oh that’s… ‘whatshisface’…. Oh what were they in… it’s….”, reached for …

: Weighing up the new Macs Like many I’m weighing up the pros and cons of the new MBP with an M3 class SOP. Is the Air enough …

: Oh how did this happen?

: So far I’ve listened to Now And Then twice but found myself singing it after just the first time. …

: Found on mastadon. Not as high as score I’d hoped for but passable.

: Polar. I can’t even give it a 1star review. What a waste of everyone’s time. 🍿

: Wet, Wild and Dramatic

: Wild day but an iconic view of the R&A.

: I’m sorry, but what the actual fuck is going on

: Another iOS update and at a slower pace than perhaps others might

: I never seem to get tired of the light, the colour or the view.

: Bought a new phone. Won’t be putting any apps on it.

: I love the house. But can’t wait till the broadband speed increases.

: The joy of Brexit Why do British citizens need ETIAS? British citizens need ETIAS because the …

: Tread Carefully

: That’s it. Reached the point where I make a noise getting out of the sofa.

: My other-half asked about the ISO Update for her phone.

: After an afternoon of being constantly bombarded with messages to reboot I’m giving into corporate …

: The peanuts are definitely a hit. Photo is 15x digital zoom on iPhone 13 Pro Max however I was only …

: It seems that it’s only taken 3 days to support my approach of not jumping on an OS update the …

: Sold my iPad Pro (2018) and “magic” keyboard. I was barely getting any use from it.

: FT states what was obvious before The UK now realises it is small, too small to interest the US or …

: Still stuck by the local views

: Microsoft. So called because they they apply a small amount of work and attention to quality in …

: Finally managing to have some time out on the new deck, enjoying the sunshine.

: New Table. Finally making use of this room. Love the candles too - thanks KM

: Brunch. A black pudding stack: poached eggs, black pudding and potato scone on sourdough bread.

: The work to move house continues. It feels like this has been the story of 2023 with little time to …

: The BBC’s Your Home Made Perfect is one of those programs which attempts to be ambitious by bringing …

: I’ll be sure to select the iPhone and not the IPhone

: GNR have been amazing at Glastonbury. Absolutely incredible set. My only complaint was the BBC’s …

: It’s so bright despite being nearly 11pm. The birds are still chirping like it’s late evening.

: I’ve a huge amount of time and respect for the people who have to fight with natural forces outside …

: Should be nice smooth flight then, easy landing on time. Eh, not this time. And a good chance my …

: I saw my first modern “flip phone” today and just as expected the display as delaminating at the …

: Conferences are always a busy day and today was no exception. Busy but interesting and worth it. …

: Whilst I appreciate that the Nespresso coffee makers may not be for everyone, the least make a …

: The UK is not in a “heatwave”. Higher temperatures are instead the result of global climate change, …

: I missed a few notifications today and was reminded that I’ve never really adopted the habit of …

: My vision is fine thank you. It doesn’t need anything “pro” other than maybe a tweak of my …

: Reached the point where I need to give in and increase the font size, to make iOS visible…. But the …

: I’m speechless to get an “Uncle” card from them. They are wonderful kids. Just don’t tell them I …

: This is mylife 2.0. Writing on is just one part of the journey.

: Another blog post courtesy of the fantastic MarsEdit from Red Sweater Software. Thank you to …

: Drygate Pilsner

: Monday’s view from Dumbarton Castle

: Indeed

: Another working day spent living in PowePoint and wondering when it’s going to be out of Beta…

: Re-watching The Mandalorian ahead of the release of Season. This is the way.

: My valentine’s gift was a key ❤️

: Chorizo, black pudding, fried potato and poached egg. Yummy. 🥞

: Old Yet Reliable After a few months on a shelf my old MacBook Pro is back with me. Not however one of the shiny new …

: Dam you Apple. I’m very tempted by the New MacBook’s Pro, even though I was imagining …

: Despite hearing some mixed reviews I have to say that I’m really enjoying Andor. I’m …

: Calm waters of Loch Lomond. Photographed on 1st January 2023. Sadly the weather isn’t so kind …

: Woke up at 4am this morning. I subsequently decided just to get up with energy, purpose and …

: I’ve crossed the nadir of a week-long cold and hoping the long tail to recovery ramps up so as …

: It’s true, I am indeed not a Robot. I’m glad that was cleared up.

: Nice start to a very short break from an incredibly busy few weeks

: I love the colours at this time of year

: They really want me to run the software update

: Loch Lomond today

: That’s disgusting. Alabama pastor arrested while watering neighbour’s plants

: Better weather than forecast. Yeah, this will do.

: Monday’s sunset over Windermere

: Where in the Apple Maps settings is the option to disable auto rerouting to the roads the app …

: It’s disheartening to still see restaurants direct you not a web page but a facebook page, without …

: On Friday evening I finally finished for a summer vacation. A chance to reset my body and my brain …

: Focussed without FoMO I’m (still) not using any Safari Tab Groups or Focus modes on iOS or macOS and with no fear of …

: The end is in sight, but Boris shouldn’t be hanging around. This “mandate” claim …

: It should be a mandatory requirement for software developers to actually use their own software …

: Looking at my blog and realising that what used to be regular content, not daily but reasonably …

: I should have posted this yesterday, cause it really did make me laugh. They know me well.

: Really looking forward to some time off next week. I really need a break.

: Links

: Coming to realisation that my future Mac use needs to be based on a buy then sell model, not buy and …

: After a month of using Window 10 for work I’ve determined that Microsoft have innovated from the …

: I was very glad to get out in the fresh air at the weekend, and fortunate to have scenery like this …

: Operating with one hand tied behind my back, with one eye covered, and in thick fog.

: Using a Windows PC for work for the first time is 7 years. It’s just as horrible an experience as it …

: A lovely Sunday morning. It looks cold but fresh and crisp outside. I’ll need to make the best of …

: Yes, it’s true. This really only is week 01. The holidays are but a distant memory.

: 45 minutes of daylight left before another 17 hours of night. I really hate this time of year.

: Considering goals for 2022. Making more time for myself, including writing more to my blog has to be …

: Finally got round to looking at “Focus Modes” in iOS15 & realised I need another hour or more to …

: Greta, to measure the result of any action you must first determine the preferred specific and …

: There’s something indescribable in watching Biden and other world leaders planes landing in …

: There are 90 days left in 2021. It’s worth considering how to get the best from them.

: I wonder if tonight’s the night where I manage to sleep past 6am

: DHL kept my iPhone delivery hostage yesterday as they crawled towards my delivery slot and I ran out …

: On a 4 day week, so the end is in sight…

: Of all the spec bumps given to recent Apple products l find it curious that the maximum display …

: Repeat after me, Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie…

: If at first you don’t succeed…

: The say the definition of insanity is doing repeating the same thing but expecting a different …

: The Belkin Soundform Connect is a great fidget toy. You too could spend $99 to watch a white LED …

: Not a bad view from the bar. Shame this was last week and not today.

: 3 days off, 2 days away. As great as they were, it just wasn’t enough. I’m still needing …

: There’s a reason you shouldn’t wear a hat when doing an interview for a global TV …

: I started watching Dawn of Justice last night. I could only take about 10 minutes before I realised …

: For the best of reasons, yesterday I broke a 4 year old streak and the mental burden of standing up …

: Rare white puffin seen on island off coast of Scotland reported by BBC News. It’s gorgeous.

: I wouldn’t normally say this so publicly, but I’m ensorcelled by her…

: Great result for Scotland. Not a victory as such but holding their own. A draw, just like the first …

: Nice to get out and with people again. It feels like it’s been forever.

: Nice story, but the video is adorable Sweet dreams! Wandering elephants take a snooze A herd of …

: This Old World is a New World My 3 year experiment with having a Wordpress site is coming to and end, with my domain directed to …

: Mail from Expedia. Graphics looks familiar…

: I feel like I’ll need to rewatch the Safari section… but that’s about it for the …

: As expected Apple are leaving plenty of scope for software updates in WWDC 2022.

: WWDC Apple FaceTime’s new marketing line: Better late than never. But it’s surprising …

: Elstree 1976, ★★★ Has a few interesting moments following the experiences of extras on a certain science fiction film …

: Watching The Social Network. It’s disgusting that company still exits let alone prospers.

: Wondering why I feel tired for this early in the evening… then remember I woke up 14 hours …

: I’ve tried Microsoft Office extensively and I’d like my money back or to use what they …

: Catching up: read that the stickers Apple puts in the box for the new iMac are larger than the chin. …

: I’m trying to figure out my future blogging and domain usage. So I’m very interested to …

: My parents bought iPad stands which could support and power their 2020 iPads. Then found themselves …

: I’m reminded why I update software so infrequently. I’m 10 minutes into an update that should take 3 …

: Considering replacing my original AirPods with the reduced AirPods Pro. Especially since the battery …

: Tried to press the spacebar on iPad to page down on a News app. The triumph of optimism over …

: How about the big tech companies get the basics right before they start on new concepts? By basics I …

: Moved hundreds of documents from one SharePoint site to another only for Microsoft to update the …

: My parent’s are just away with my niece. “A” (11) was bitterly complaining that …

: I regret ever signing up to the mental burden that is standing for 1 minute every hour. I think any …

: When did it become okay for vaccinations or injections to be referred to a “jab”. That some people …

: I put the thermostat in the bedroom. In the last 1/2 hour it’s dropped to 16.6°C (61.9°F). I might …

: The thing about using an iPhone 6S in 2021 is that you can never have too many lightning cables …

: Recognised that my 1st Gen AirPods have reached end of life based. The battery life is almost …

: Since I discovered the amazing back catalogue of Carol Kaye I feel my life and attitude to music …

: Apple can show all the commercials they want of people swimming with their watches on, but I still …

: The wait on hold to a “call centre” only to be connected to someone at their kitchen …

: Today I’m thinking that maybe there wasn’t really a need to finish the bottle of Loch …

: Microsoft should buy the rights for “beach ball” to use as the logo for Office for Mac.

: John Niven writes, He took the worst fantasies of the bottom 10% of the school class and spent the …

: I bet business is booming for biscuit manufacturers. I should change my middle name to McVitie.

: Lockdown No.3? To be honest I’m loosing count (amongst other things)

: How do you know you’re back at work? 4 words: Microsoft Excel (not responding) That’s …

: Turned on last 10 minutes of Raiders of the Lost Ark on Channel 4 just in time see them edit out …

: Scathing but accurate tweet by Mary Riddell: Brexit is done. The deal is thin, the future perilous, …

: Bare Minimum of Effort Back from a 2 km walk. Saw a gitter with the shovel 2" off the ground depositing a thin layer …

: Unsurprising laziness in the Brexit deal referencing, modern e-mail software packages including …

: Getting some criticism for clearing away Christmas cards and decorations.

: I don’t want to “reduce motion” and animations I want turn this cruft OFF. Disabled completely on …

: More evidence on BBC News that the UK is a police state. Stupid, undoubtedly. Selfish, absolutely. …

: Found in an old wallet, must be over 10 years old.

: These curated collections of photos published each week are consistently good, and this week’s …

: Microsoft Excel Workflow: copy, paste — CRASH!

: Man cannot live on Jaffa Cakes alone… but he can try

: I don’t care what the manufacturer of the CPU is and how many cores it has, Microsoft Office is …

: There are no words. This has to be one of the saddest headlines ever to read: Funeral for mother …

: Watched a couple of reviews of the new M1 MacBooks: rather than the higher end 16Gb models I’m more …

: I would love for Microsoft to explain there logic that deleting text in Word/PowerPoint copies this …

: Wondering if it’s now safe enough to upgrade to macOS 10.15

: Sorry Tim, but it doesn’t “just work“: I get up, walk downstairs, make a coffee, never sit down, …

: I should create a new blog that generates a post every time excel crashes without warning or on copy …

: All news is local South Ayrshire Golf club owner loses 2020 presidential election

: Fresh Egg

: This week’s BBC page on photos from across Scotland is one of the best there’s been.

: Nobody did it better. Sean Connery’s best James Bond moments - British GQ

: Perfect delivery of 4 words.

: Sir Sean will always be my Bond. And such a gentleman. Truly gutted.

: Dial number… press 1… press 2… press 1…. Please hold… …

: This remains an impressive piece of work. Sobering, humbling, and makes you appreciate the …

: Breakdown of "life" in 2020 Monday: Work Tuesday: Work Wednesday: Work Thursday: Work Friday: Work Saturday: Close open work …

: “Hey Siri… set a reminder for 26 weeks called update to iOS 14”

: Watched the Apple Event and I’m actually pleased to see there’s nothing for me. Otherwise Q4 2020 …

: Queen Elizabeth Forest Park

: Last night my parents showed my newspaper articles from 1922 written by great great grandfather. …

: Another example of academics and politicians feathering their own nest over COVID

: Ship it now, Fix it later Being a reluctant user of Microsoft products, I’ve found that at least on macOS I can automate …

: Storm Francis lashes UK. BBC News On the global scale this is a light breeze and hyperbole aside …

: This week’s edition of Week in pictures from BBC News encapsulates all of 2020.

: If took YouTube’s approach to advertising their would Get free book on us when you open …

: Brilliant piece by BBC News on the explosion Beirut.

: For American’s interested in an outsiders perspective this BBC podcast has got this covered.

: I’m one of those people who still doesn’t fully get the Apple Pencil. I know this is as I’ll …

: Lost another hour trying to make the Raspberry Pi 4 boot from USB. This is like owning a Windows PC …

: Alan Parker RIP. Given that my hard drives take movie director names it was only yesterday that I …

: It seems that Microsoft’s version of copy and paste is pressing the delete key after a copy replaces …

: End of the “The laminated book of dreams” reports BBC News. Before the internet this …

: Found the Stilord leather bag range. Nice bags but they haven’t grasped the concept of …

: I seem to have a fallen into the trap laid by the world of mechanical pencils…. how did that …

: Olivia de Havilland, Golden Age of Hollywood star, dies at 104, BBC News Olivia de Havilland, one …

: Software fails when it presents the a dialogue to an alert that software failed to complete its …

: The interview with John Lewis on BBC News is especially powerful.

: First world problems: when you go downstairs and back but your watch didn’t recognise this as a …

: Combing through my parents digital “library” to try and make sense of it. Duplicate …

: Simpsons ends use of white actors to voice people of colour, Was only a matter of …

: I think the large radii round rectangles look less professional than, for example, the small radii …

: Yet again I find myself victim to online abusive language. A response only solicits further rancour, …

: Mojave is Apple's XP OS We didn’t know it at the time, but 10.14 was and still is the last stable and usable release …

: At what point did icons become “buttons”?

: Rather than making Catalyst work to create a Mac-like experience, it looks like Apple have cut (or …

: I’m really not a fan of Apple doubling down on their trend for rounded rectangles. What’s wrong with …

: Photographed on my iPhone 6S using my watch as the remote trigger.

: After 46 years you’d think I have learned not to gulp soup straight off the hob…

: Every time I hear about “smart” home tech I take a further step back from entertaining …

: Playing with Shortcuts a bit more. Really looking at what I can do to automate work. Plus during …

: ‘Wobbly’ tracing app ‘failed’ clinical safety and cyber security tests Predictably useless. …

: Tried creating an iOS Shortcut called System that opens “Settings” but can’t bear to watch iOS fall …

: Happy Birthday Hubble

: Yet despite this my Apple Watch seems intent on telling me I can still take 30minutes of exercise.

: Day 2 of what may or may not be COVID-19. I‘m presuming not as I need to get shot of this and back …

: I love this story reported by BBC News Pescara football club adopts Italian boy’s shirt …

: IMF warns that “dire economic forecasts may be too optimistic”. And yet this …

: A double yoker. Possibly the highlight of my day.

: Boris Johnson moved to intensive care. Raab’s in charge. Now we’re really f*cked.

: A plane just flew over the house… That’s not normally worth a mention but in 2020 that seems …

: New profile photograph seems appropriate. I’m hoping my “sentence” is short lived.

: One of those days where you catch yourself looking up the psychological effects of self-isolation. I …

: Lost an entire day to persistent crashes with Microsoft OneDrive consuming literally ALL of RAM and …

: I love Jason Snell’s experience and insight but on this rare occasion I have to disagree with his …

: Asking the Police to administer “rules” on “social distancing” is unsustainable regardless how it …

: It’s looking like selfish Londoners will cause a lockdown for the rest of the country.

: TV presenters in March 2020.

: Boris tells UK pubs and restaurants told to shut in but that they will, We will review the …

: Sweeping powers announced, we descend into a Police State run by Johnson & Cummings.

: It’s official. There is literally no political opposition.

: Ever the diplomat The United States will be powerfully supporting those industries, like Airlines …

: Read the BBC News story on the disclosures to Big Brother contestants in Germany, Canada and Brazil. …

: Brexit Party group leader Mark Reckless self-isolates. Too late. The damage has been done.

: Tomas Pueyo on Medium. Clearly a well researched piece but takes statistics from one area, applies …

: BBC News reports Virus isolation for over-70s ‘within weeks’: All deaths so far have …

: The Dies irae. 👏🏻

: This is perfect.

: The Nanny State We’re seeing governments small and large try to manage a virus, panicking, over reacting and …

: Elections postponed for a year. An unsurprisingly opportunistic move from this “government”.

: I remember the good old days when conference calls used to start with, “how’s the weather near …

: How to clean your phone. Seriously. Quality BBC journalism.

: Battle for the bog roll: coronavirus makes Britain as British as possible Joel Golby in The Guardian: I have a working theory about the root of this shopping stampede …

: Microsoft should seek license the macOS Beachball as their Office logo. It’s the most recognisable …

: This evening I’ve received 2 emails from Airline CEO’s underlining that “safety …

: Looked at my Now page and found it was at least 14 months out of date.

: Loosing the plot trying to get Target Display Mode working. Worked faultlessly all day yesterday but …

: When I was a kid it the Automotive quality was such that it was 50:50 wether my dad’s car …

: It’s only ever during air travel, as you soar above or through the clouds that you realise the …

: We’ll be forever grateful. Larry Tesler: Computer scientist behind cut, copy and paste dies aged …

: Springstreen Tribute act, don’t mind if I do. Hardly the real deal but there are worse ways to …

: It feels like the Error Reporting App is my most frequently used Microsoft Office Application.

: Apparently “Country Roads” is also karaoke classic Finland. Whilst I’m glad to hear that local …

: Brexit day 50p coin unveiled reports BBC News. Another reason to pay by NFC contactless payments and …

: Keeping Facebook (for now) I’m not a frequent user of Facebook and have considered closing my account. What actually …

: Less than 2 weeks into 2020 and I’m already enjoying the new year. I’m sure that there are and will …

: You’ve got to give “Sharon” credit, she really knows to operate social media.

: Watching ads before a showing of The Rise of Skywalker. I’m literally the one person here.

: Showed my 10 year old niece how to create (not just download) an iOS shortcut to generate a GIF from …

: Interesting bug there Microbrains. You’ve found even more ways to screw up

: A speech about working together as the country tears itself apart and is pushed towards alienating …

: Apple’s still taunting me with a badge for iOS13. There really should be a way of disabling that, …

: A “Bumpy” 2019? Did the inarticulate buffoon Boris write the address?

: Forecast is for good weather on Christmas Day. We’ll go wild in the whole 4 hours of daylight.

: My beloved AirPods (gen1) are on the way out. They’ve started dropping out and are <95% battery …

: KLM failed in their claim that my bag would make my connecting flight yesterday, but did the next …

: For anyone who’s bothered to follow me on, thank you, but my confession is my programming …

: Frankfurt Christmas Markets Admittedly I’ve probably seen less than 5%.

: Oh I luv Channel 4 for this! As reported by The Guardian, on a debate on Climate Change, “the …

: Or alternatively, There is no reasoning someone out of a position he has not reasoned himself into. …

: Or alternatively, Democracy is even more important for what it prevents than for what it provides. …

: If you don’t know the exact moment when the lights will go out, you might as well read until …

: Microsoft Excel. WTF is going on? It’s like they included code to ignore every other click or …

: Bolly, 16, she’s still photogenic in her old age

: It’s not even December and I’m already sick of winter. I’m really looking forward to longer days and …

: Ill say one thing positive about Dominic Cumming’s he certainly knows how to right a sound-bight, …

: Life isn't something I'll get to later I hate looking at Omnifocus and deciding which tasks I’m deferring, what date do I defer …

: No postal vote for me then

: There’s a special circle in hell for the executives who signed off on non-skipable advertising on …

: This country is sick of older generations venting their frustration that the last 40 years of growth …

: Every time I hear baseball and “football” discussed on American TV they do it with such flair that …

: Phone at 1% battery at 10.30pm. Not bad considering it was unplugged at 6am this morning.

: It seems my Wordpress site has been “upgraded” to with the following above the header: …

: Weekly Program I’m not a programmer so I won’t attempt to fake the syntax but essentially my week runs as …

: Ordered a cat water fountain. None in Pets at Home. Spend the last 15 minutes slowly pouring water …

: My local supermarket has a complex and expensive aisle of gin, vodka, bourbon, mixers and but has a …

: We lost this little girl today, but her 16 years were spoiled. Möet was special. Frequently …

: Stroopwafel

: To everyone with cause to complain about macOS reliability, the grass isn’t necessarily greener on …

: Shop at Hamburg Airport has Butter Croissants and (imperfectly translated) “Raisin Snails”.

: Even at 11pm there’s still fireworks going off. That Fawkes guy has a lot to answer for.

: The Amazon app on my iPhone has a banner for a local event. So their doing events now too?

: If I could remove just 1 thing from my life it would be the need for sleep. There’s really so much …

: I have a confession. I find myself back on Twitter from time to time. If only to write articulately …

: Cramming it into 48 hours Jonathan Freedland, in The Guardian: All he had to do next was win approval for his accelerated …

: I despair at watching people’s reasoning for accepting the proposed Brexit deal is simple weariness …

: I have checked out BBC Parliament this evening in advance of Saturday’s tumultuous debate on the …

: Ordered a Luna Display at 25% off as they announce Mac-to-Mac support.

: Samsung: Anyone’s thumbprint can unlock Galaxy S10 phone. BBC News. Ouch!

: Damn! That moment when you find out that Sidecar, the only “carrot” Apple’s …

: I like Monzo. Buy not the notifications you get on your spending. It’s like having your mother watch …

: Found the perfect place for a weekly review. @macgenie Supported by a large glass of Rioja and an …

: Who am I today? Who do I want to be tomorrow?

: Dual Screen Devices

: Breakfast coffee.

: Sleep Credit I’ve been recording my sleep for the last few months using Autosleep. Whilst I’m sure I’m actually …

: Later. Much, much later.

: Hooked up an AppleTV (3rd Gen) to the TV. Lost remote in 23 minutes…

: Dropped my phone on to carpet, but it bounced on the corner of a table on the way down. Screen …

: Moon++ app. Nice. But I’m not sure of the value of it.

: Donald Trump, the BBC and what happens when a woman of colour speaks her truth

: Wow. First his brother quit’s then Johnson’s sister describes his behaviour as …

: I used to think I was new to macOS. But now I know I’ve been using it long enough to recall …

: That sinking feeling when you commit to an 18 month contract and then find a cheaper deal after …

: There’s much to let me only think of this negative context, but there’s positives too. I …

: Discarding my Wordpress short form blog in favour of

: Checking out my new local bar. Nice to have somewhere to go, even if no one knows my name.

: Watching the Podcastathon for St Jude’s Children’s research hospital. Watch. …

: Back on after a foreseen but sadly unavoidable absence.

: Connected. Or rather re-connected. Averaging 45Mb/s down, 10Mb/s up. A dramatic improvement from 10 …

: My rucksack is smelling slightly fruity, thanks to just finding 2 banana’s which have been …

: Hacking the IKEA Symfonisk.

: Surprised to see there’s not more shortcut keys in the Mac App. Spent 20minutes …

: Growing the beard a bit. Haven’t yet got past the scruffy and itchy stage.

: I’m still really not enjoying dance of reorganising apps and folders on iOS 12. I’m really hoping …

: I’ve learned that on the 12.9 iPad Pro (2018) you can stick the Apple Pencil inverted, with tip near …

: I like running my work-issued MacBook to my iMac using target display mode. But the cable or MacBook …

: From child refugee to president: Latvia’s Vaira Vike-Freiberga. BBC News. We’re all …

: Thanks. But I’ll pass on drinking the rest.

: Ikigai

: A £9000 dog bed? How is this even possible?

: I feel terror at the thought of Priti Patel in a position of power.

: No mention of No Deal.

: Opened my MacBook to find my entire document has resorted to Times New Roman font. But then it is …

: Watched “Happiness”. Very clever if ultimately depressing.

: Clearing physical media and rediscovering the pros and cons of holding so much.

: These people should book a cruise across the pacific. BBC on the Flat Earth.

: Found Lost Boys playing some random channel. Everyone looks so young, both the adult actors and the …

: There’s something disturbing about advertising on the top of the fuel filler nozzles at the garage. …

: On seeing BBC News reporting Japan resumes commercial whaling, my thoughts immediately turn to what …

: I’m regretting selling my mini-Disc portable and HiFi unit years ago. There’s something to be said …

: Thoughts on Ive Leaving Apple.

: The sound of distant thunder…

: I love my AirPods, but only to a point. As useful as our devices are, they should never creates …

: France hits record temperature of 45.9C (114.6F) according to BBC. But climate change is fake news, …

: Our wee princess. Minnie looks like she’s sitting on a throne in the garden.

: In travelling to central Europe with Apple Watch 4 with a Carrot Weather complication I’ve seen just …

: Arriving at EuroAirport is seeing the efficiency of European cooperation in action. An airport which …

: More, 2019 is… micro.derekpeden

: Maybe I’m just not the right demographic for it but I can’t look at Swiping Keyboards …

: Since installing AutoSleep and wearing my watch to bed I’ve been able to my “Sleep Bank” but this …

: Long day of travel.

: Donald Trump arrives for three-day UK state visit, reports BBC News. Just as well I’m heading out of …

: I still think the popularity of dark mode apps on iOS is driven by a desire to hide the notch and …

: Found that the airline has changed a flight next week, bring it forward by 3 hours. micro.derekpeden

: Killing Eve Season 2 is “coming soon”. Thanks BBC PR. That’s deliberately vague.

: 2019 is… micro.derekpeden

: Fingers open Tweetbot… Eyes Read… Brain Processes… Don’t Take the Bait!!!

: OS Stability & Functionality is Key.

: If I find who’s setting off fireworks in the daylight and causing such distress to our and other …

: Liked. Not pulling any punches writing about the end of May’s premiership

: Omg Microsoft! What year is this?

: A positive message on “social” media will get a couple of likes. But an opinion results in everyone …

: Like the old school letters from our elected representatives, even if I don’t agree with their …

: US gun deaths are at their highest rate in 40 years, according to The World Economic Forum. Sadly, …

: I guess I just to develop a thicker skin, and not let this kind of crap bug me so much. But it …

: The trolling continues.

: I really had forgotten that Twitter is Mos Eisley.

: There is nothing social about social media.

: Some things I have to get off my chest. 2019 is…

: I just can’t bring myself to let my Apple Watch Series 4 get wet.

: Another confession. I’ve seen Iron Man, and Iron Man 3 but no other Marvel or Avengers movie. …

: I’ve a confession. I’ve not seen any of Game of Thrones. None.

: Woof Woof. Clean bowl. Good breakfast apparently.

: Another evening spoiled by our idiot neighbour. Tonight he’s sitting at a firepit, sheltered …

: Children should be seen but not heard. It’s only as an adult you appreciate the meaning of this. The …

: A Loss To Paris & The World It’s beyond words. The loss to Paris and the world is incalculable. Having only visited a mere 8 …

: Siri. An exercise is frustration. Of hope over experience. Even with custom shortcuts recorded …

: Good job Microsoft.

: The moment when you wish you’d ignored the 14.4 update was 15 minutes ago, and I’m still …

: The Brexit experiment hasn’t worked. There is no workable exit for the UK which doesn’t directly …

: Astonishing live natural history by BBC in Blue Planet Live, broadcasting from seas around …

: Democracy is based on voting for people to who are experts, or can listen to experts, not only to …

: The case for email on mobile devices.

: I love when any product still has the opportunity to surprise and delight, and this evening …

: MRI of a foetus. The things we can do.

: Lord Heseltine on the People’s Vote March: I believe passionately that at a time when the far-right …

: My thoughts on photographs, and my unabashed approach to posting unedited imperfection images.

: Dear President Trump… BBC News: Christchurch mosque shootings: New Zealand to ban military …

: Really weird feeling to see you home online in an estate agents website. Even weirder to see the …

: I might try dark mode again today. I’ll see if I can leave it on for more the 30s this time.

: A week ago I’d never heard of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, but wow has …

: Anyone challenging the reality of climate change should be following BBC News reports from Cyclone …

: She’s amazing. Such an inspiration.

: I think possibly the first time I’ve agreed with George W Bush: Immigration is a blessing and a …

: After years of using Day One for digital journaling I’m tempted to look at alternatives. Any app …

: 3 months into the iPad Pro and every time I open an image full screen I still recoil at the sight of …

: Microsoft should implement a pay-per-click business model on Office. There’s between 3 and 8 clicks …

: If it was possible to have a relationship with software then I’d be taking out a restraining order …

: Bohemians Rhapsody ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

: Mail from Costco approved by Minnie.

: I’d hoped 2019 would be the year of improving my indie-web presence, but instead so far …

: Absolutely amazing 123m StarWars Infographic.

: Le Tour Eiffel The grand Iron Lady.

: Dear France, the whole point of non-smoking areas in restaurants is that no one is smoking in that …

: Looking forward to the joy of the 03:30 alarm and yet another early flight. At least this time it’s …

: It seems the French approach to offering English language website translations is limited to the …

: Feeling overwhelmed today, with so many things to take in and facing an uncertain future. Trying to …

: Over the last few weeks I’ve realised how much blogging, even micro-blogging, hasn’t yet become …

: PDF forms are just designed to infuriate.

: I made the mistake of posting to Twitter… Still a cesspool.

: If my 2019 resolution was to post more content that I’ve lost. The last 2 weeks have been a blur but …

: Dear Microsoft. I speak English but I don’t live the USA. Please stop randomly changing the default …

: Brilliant video for encouraging kids to eat vegetables, Eat Them to Defeat Them. So good!

: Home. That’s 2 consecutive weeks I’ve started with travel 3 out of 5 days. I’ll actually be glad to …

: Radio playing Land of Confusion by Genesis from 1987. Nothing’s changed in 22 years, we’re still …

: I’m sorry but every time I see someone post an Android screenshot all I can see is the crap in the …

: Found this Old Timer Dongle.

: Conflicted. Travelling tomorrow and I need to take the MacBook Pro, but also want to take my new …

: How did this happen? It’s only been a week?

: Well it was wonderful while it lasted, but the 6am call beckons and back to the grindstone for …

: Minnie won’t eat her dinner, despite being mixed in with leftover fillet steak. But add some beef …

: Super impressive 24.9Bn pixel image.

: So I possibly might have use for an Apple Pencil afterall. My first attempt is a sketch based on a …

: From 2019, hello to all still stuck in 2018. I’m optimistic for a better future than the past 12 …

: Combing Hogmanay with “Hug Minnie”, and hoping for no repeat of last year’s fireworks which upset …

: According to The Guardian, No-deal Brexit ferry company owns no ships, has never run Channel …

: A Finger isn’t a Pointing Device micro.derekpeden

: Sad loss of June Whitfield, a comic genius for over 50 years. Her timing with the line “Just The One …

: You heard it here first, Angelina Jolie not ruling out a career in politics.

: Liked: Brexit at Bathtime

: Walk On The Beach Walking Minnie & Delta on the beach, then the pub for a bowl of fresh water… and possibly …

: Backseat Drivers

: Is that the sun up over the yard arm? I guess so.

: 1st post… from new iPad Pro.

: Lunch was an Afternoon Tea. Dinner is cheese & wine.

: Playing the Micro.Blog follow-game: Follow 1st person in Discover, then follow 1st their list of …

: The blame-game of the last decade

: Finished for 2018. Finally.

: Those who voted in Brexit believed they were getting Unicorn, a mythical state which doesn’t exist. …

: As follow-up to a recent post, it would given recent conversations with Mrs P (CFO) there’re an …

: We build too many walls and not enough bridges. — Sir Isaac Newton. So true.

: Dear World: Your iPhone XS Max display may generate up to 625Cd/m2 but that really doesn’t mean you …

: Not quite 500 miles away…

: My quandary over the adorable iPad.

: A poor negotiator might not be able to “fight their way out of a paper bag”, well what about opening …

: Microsoft, I didn’t willing return to your god forsaken software. It crashed. Again.

: To quote Dr King, Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a …

: Clearing out the drinks cupboard. The best kind of pre-Christmas clear-out.

: Purchased 9 sausages, the correct number of sausages: 4 each plus 1 spare for the white wonder. …

: Awww Look at that face! Chow chow puppy returned to owners after being seized

: Since I’ve been using my iPad Air2 a lot this week I’m back to thinking again about the 11” iPad …

: Target display mode is the naughty little girl which lives in your iMac: When she was good, She …

: Filling out a Word document template from a government agency. Technically there’s no …

: Histerical to watch BBC News still pursuing a Vox Populi when it’s actually Expert Opinon which is …

: Not very presidential, but this is what we’ve come to expect.

: Spot the Westie

: Still in love with Apple Watch Series 4. 10x the utility of my previous Series 0.

: Micro Blog, Maximum Contentment I’m happier with my re-worked Wordpress site, and their place relative to my …

: Sony Relic Looking out the Christmas decorations from the attic and found my old Sony PCG-FX701 from circa …

: 1990's Banking in 2018 My bank still asks me to talk to a human to setup Apple Pay. So I phone them, enter my account …

: Tennis balls Minnie loves a tennis ball. I’m tempted to setup her own microblog but I fear she would post than I …

: Minnie really, really loves a ball.

: Hang glider forced to cling on for his life after launching unattached. That’s horrifying.

: My eyes roll at, Well, we are where we are… There must be a better way to articulate …

: Comparing Wordpress and Blot As someone who’s dipped their toes into indieweb, and doesn’t yet feel that the water …

: Random selection of pens. Probably utterly offensive to a good portion of this corner of the …

: Woof…

: Thoughts on Hosting Despite the cosmetic benefits running Micro Blog from my own sub domain, I’ve lately been strongly …

: Lucy Woodcock writing on Brexit Nobody voted for a deal that would make people poorer, curtail our …

: The madness continues and shows no signs of stopping, despite the obvious political roadblocks and …

: Siri really fails when you have no voice, just a croak.

: Font Rendering Odd that the first thing I notice on this menu is the rendering of the fonts. Not just the Pork …

: Still feeling the effects of what was almost an all-nighter. Up working till 3am, then backup at 6am …

: Politics can be, and often is, downright ugly. And this is just dirty politics of the worst kind.

: Wow. Sophia Floersch is very, very lucky to be alive.

: BBC reporting Australia’s leading wedding magazines is shutting down after it refused to …

: Following from my earlier post, I like this blog short post on this issues and the need to protect …

: It’s madness that you can look at train options from, e.g. LNER, and be presented by a …

: Very clever and emotive advertisement which deserves every one of it’s view counts. We all need act …

: It says a lot when the Brexit deal under discussion is a 500page document but the original Brexit …

: I’ve completely fallen in love with Plex. I’ve had an account for over a year, but never took full …

: Missed the course in the digital economy, in particular the one that serves the big companies. Only …

: Jo Johnson describes Brexit as an Democratic travesty”. Cornyn: “We can’t stop it, the …

: Allergy Advice

: I have to agree with Nilay Patel and my initial impressions, the hardware looks gory and is …

: Trialling Mailmate for macOS mail. Looks great and supports writing in Markdown. Feels like …

: PowerPic. Brilliant design from Twelve South.

: Black & White TV, not HD or HDR: A total of 7,161 UK households have failed to start watching …

: Installed Scriptable to my iPad. All I need now is to know JavaScript.

: C’mon America, you can do it!

: For the 4th night in a row we have fireworks going off every few seconds. It’s really not fair for …

: I’m really starting to use the hell out of drafts dictate function… Even if it does get a few …

: My experience of Siri shortcuts is frustrated by Siri’s inability to launch shortcuts when the phone …

: Someone is setting off World War III outside. Anyone who has animals will tell you that fireworks …

: It’s incredible that the UK still has no policy in place to limit the use of fireworks. Anyone …

: Where the puck is going. micro.derekpeden

: Recently the blog has taken a backseat to other activities, both personal and professional. Hope to …

: I really like the look of the new iPad Pros, with straight, non-tapered edges on the enclosure. …

: Fantastic piece of marketing for the BBC Sounds App, combining music, radio and podcasts.

: Ding Dong!!! What sounds like a doorbell, and every dog in the bar starts barking.

: Beautiful product photography. All Macs that I really, really want even if I don’t need.

: “Austerity finally coming to an end”… at least until March.

: My blogging use has overtaken my use of DayOne, but making Markdown entries I’m bemused by the …

: Enjoying the last 2/3 of the bottle and it’s very, very nice.

: A year or 2 ago I won good bottle of red wine donated to the company. It’s sat gathering in the wine …

: Experimenting with the Aeropress.

: Testing macOS Workflow micro.derekpeden

: I don’t hate email. But there’s a special circle in hell reserved for those who Reply to All.

: Finally received my new Apple Watch Series 4. A significant upgrade from my original/Series 0. Very …

: The B Word. micro.derekpeden

: Autumnal Afternoon Nice afternoon in south of Scotland, a mix of green/brown foliage and blue/white skies.

: Today we learned that we can’t feed the dog sausages and then have her in the car. At least not …

: Confirming Email.

: Word of Today: Benign.

: Despite the (absence of) rumours, I have not stopped micro blogging. Instead it’s been a fortnight …

: I’ve been experimenting with Shortcuts on iOS, both the creation and operation of the routines. …

: It’s been the worst 7 days I’ve ever known. Unexpected. Indescribable. A nightmare. However, even …

: I’m not blogging this is the usual way, this post won’t be on my site. I just want to urge everyone …

: It’s not that we have a dog. Rather that the dog residing at this address has a staff attending to …

: We’ve been home at catching up for a couple of days. It’s not the hotel wifi was bad, more closer to …

: First of first-world problems is trying to fit hours of video into a now ancient iPad which has only …

: Rather than charge for fast-track security airports should spot-fine those who clog-up the belts by …

: iOS 12 installed. Measure filed in Siberia together with Stocks and Tips.

: Stickers are the work of the devil. Just got done cleaning up the residue of stickers applied to a …

: 26 miles in 2hrs. Unbelievable

: Notes and Journaling

: That moment why you notice your phone’s battery is at 1%…

: Drafts support for Wordpress. This is fantastic.

: OmniFocus 3 ships 24th September Fantastic news. The end of 2018 is going to be super busy.

: Sadly “Brexit will make it expensive to use a mobile phone in another EU country” wasn’t written on …

: Oh dear oh dear. Clippy is back.

: I continue to feel like an old man. I like buttons not gestures.

: My Apple Watch records 18hrs of continuous “Stand” then helpfully encourages me to close my ring. …

: MacRumors claiming USB-C on 2018 iPad Pro. I can’t see this happening. It both seems too early in …

: You can own your domain, but still not your time

: This weekend we finally committed to overhaul of our small home office. This will be a modest change …

: Next year’s nasturtiums

: Minnie’s version of playing with a ball in the park: I through the ball. We both walk towards …

: My iOS workflow could use some work…

: Clearing my OmniFocus doesn’t automatically clear my head. There’s still the mental cache which I …

: I do enjoy a day which includes a couple of beers at lunchtime. But I do pay for it when evening …

: Aww I loved Smokey and the Bandit when I was a kid

: Another day where evening roles around and I only have the mental capacity for the shortest of …

: Damn! How did it get this late? And I’ve managed to miss having more apple pie. I hope it stays …

: [Apple Harvest]…). Emergency harvesting of the apple tree …

: The “gross betrayal” was actually committed in 2016 when the electorate was clearly and …

: Comedians should stick to comedy. I cringe when I see successful comedians thinking that they can …

: The King’s Speech. Rewatched this when it just appeared on tonight. Fantastic story about trials …

: Such a photogenic wee girl. Another set from Minnie. Love that grin on her face.

: In honour of the new 🐶 tagmoji, another classic Minnie pose.

: Just realised that my Social Media interest is now split between and LinkedIn. Yes, …

: Changing channels… click, click, click… Beverley Hills Cop. That’ll do.

: I’ve completely lost track of my personal email. I can’t actually remember the last time I opened a …

: Evening skies Nice night evening for a dog walk

: Minnie this morning… and LambChop of course.

: It’s 7pm. But I reckon I’ll be in bed by 8. Exhausted.

: DIY is hard work. As is supervising the DIY.

: Don’t blink…

: A Friday night used to be the high-point of my week. Now I can barely function after 5pm on a …

: One day closer to vacation 2018. But still weeks away.

: I’m considering a new blog, posting every time a Microsoft Office application crashes and needs top …

: the only good thing about BREXIT is the BBC’s logo

: Video of the Korean reunions shows both our capacity for love and ability for incredibly cruelty.

: “You have forced - insert name of Microsoft application here - to quit”. Such a complete absence of …

: Puppy Ice Cream? Eh no thank you.

: Yes, I accept all cookies, now back-off!

: concentric rings

: It’s difficult to believe that this is still possible in 2018. There’s no excuse for …

: Another long, long day. Looking forward to the weekend

: For @DazeEnd. Minnie when we introduced her to her garden 🐶 //@macgenie

: Brexit explained using Tea

: As much as I enjoy driving I look forward to the autonomous car revolution. I thick I’ll be so much …

: Today’s been a day for journaling rather than blogging. There’s literally nothing on my mind which …

: When did a data analysis algorithm become referred to as Al?

: I’m old enough to remember the days when politicians made public comments through nuainced, …

: It’s amazing to me that the Microsoft SharePoint team don’t know how search works.

: Johnson gives journalists tea while avoiding burka questions. I’ll say this, he does know who to …

: Disappeared down the rabbit hole of re-formatting the content of my main site. An easy way to make a …

: Another brilliant example of software from Microsoft.

: On tonight‘s menu: Turkey Carrot Apple Butternut Squash Broccoli Kale Sounds lovely. It’s only the …

: The Right Balance of Shade and Colour

: Coach taking about athletes participating in an event marking 40 years of the Special Olympics: …

: Thoughts on the “MacBook Adorable”

: “It was the best of days. It was the worst of days.” Well ok, the worst but frustratingly …

: I’m still enjoying my Apple Watch Series 0, yes the original. The battery life may not be what it …

: A late September vacation is fine by me. But it does make for a very long July and August.

: Re-discovered Twisted (Everyday Hurts) by Skunk Anansie after +20 years 🎵

: Boris just can’t stop opening his mouth and putting his foot in it!

: Still on track for my 30 day pin on Although my new Bluetooth keyboard is a motivation …

: It’s only Tuesday but there’s not enough coffee in the world right now to get me through the week.

: Feeling pretty proud of myself: figured out a method of posting to Wordpress and using …

: Trying to make more use of Omnifocus Forecasts to better plan my day.

: Might start making more use of Safari Reading List. It’s not perfect but it may enough.

: I’m guessing there’s a way to post to both and Wordpress using Workflow

: I still seem capable of sudden purchases, seeing something on TV or on post, and ordering it almost …

: Time to stand. Seriously! Feels like I’ve been on my feet all day today.

: Currently on 4Mb/s Broadband. Today we signed up for an upgrade to a 36Mb/s (max) with a different …

: Yeaugh! That moment when you realise StarBucks drive-thru gave you someone else’s coffee. Omg it’s …

: Dear Tim, Now about the 5Gb limit on free iCloud accounts…

: Brexit Summarised micro.derekpeden

: No Weekly Review

: Signed up for testing the OmniFocus web interface. This should prove interesting!

: Apple Keyboard Hack

: Only just discovered StarWars the macOS Terminal: “nc 23” Clearly someone has …

: Poured 2 wheelbarrow loads of apples from the apple tree into the bin. There’s many more left that …

: Arrived at the venue for the final night of Del Amitri’s 8 show tour over 7 cities, having seen 3 of …

: 13mins on hold. Gave up. What’s the point of saying your Customer Service Centre is open on a …

: After about 6 weeks without any rain, 2 wet days is immediately depressing. It’s so easy to …

: At the click of a button

: Both this morning and yesterday evening I walked the dog whilst my wife jogged/walked the Couch to …

: It says something that people would rather take the time to leave a 1-star review of a $5 app rather …

: To be honest…

: I don’t want anyone to take this the wrong way but this is the 2nd day this week where I’ve came …

: Those that pushed for Brexit either lied during the campaign or have been guilty of corruption …

: love this heartwarming story, which benefits both Daniel (4) and his friend Stuart (91).

: Path to removing the ban on liquids when flying

: If only I could capture the smell as easily as the sight of this Americano…

: Cameras at gig panned across the audience (before the start) and found a guy with a Trump Lego …

: I think I’ve turned the act of ignoring badges on my iPhone’s homescreen into an art form. My brains …

: Now that’s a reaction to Putin visiting The Whitehouse

: A guy across the train from me has an external drive velcro’d to the back of the screen of his …

: I’m frequently surprised to see how little I’ve posted to and then realise that I’ve been …

: I have to try so hard to keep politics off my posts to

: Wednesday night curry. Comfort food!

: It’s strange to say this, but I’m glad to see it raining for a change.

: Half-way through a 4 day week, but the last 2 days have been hard going

: Morgan & Trump There’s something oddly hypnotic in watching Piers Morgan interview Donald Trump on Airforce One. …

: Lost at least an hour late last night. Put on When Harry Met Sallyon Netflix with the intention of …

: If look’s could kill…

: Sometimes Rules are made to be broken

: ‘Dump Trump’: Views from the London marches

: “Big John” as I refer to “him”. Yes that’s it on the floor, and about 6’3” tall.

: The best of ApplePay is I can leave home without my wallet. The worst of ApplePay is I leave home …

: Hope over experience

: Testing feed importer to the new site

: They say Pride comes before the fall. So after more weeks of hubris I’m glad to see the hashtag …

: A pathetic £500k fine for Facebook. Zucherberg will find this down the back of the sofa.

: Glad to have drawn France in the company sweepstake.

: My game of work-life Tetris continues. Omnifocus is actually my most frequently used …

: The Black Isle Brewing Company, Long Time IPA… cold and refreshing

: Note to Self: next BBQ/Grill eat some vegetables with the meat. Man cannot live (comfortably) on …

: Did England win the World Cup once, over half a century ago? They never mention it

: When a 16 year old is capable of such horror then beyond initial shock and disgust it’s difficult …

: Feed Importer for Who has success with this Wordpress Plugin?

: Whilst I can see the potential of iOS shortcuts, I’m not sure it’ll even be a match for …

: New Site Fingers crossed, my DNS and SSL issues have finally been resolved and I’m just left with …

: Test

: The definition of institutional arrogance

: I’m resisting temptation to answer the tweets from England Fans who think the World Cup Trophy has a …

: Very Cold Water. Good to know in this heat.

: Magnetic train tickets are the Devil’s Work. There’s no way they can ever survive being out in the …

: Other than my most frequently refreshed websites over this weekend are DNS Watch and DNS …

: Other than my most frequently refreshed websites over this weekend are DNS Watch and DNS …

: Sunday BBQ Minnie on the lounger in the shade. Wife in the sunshine. Pizza in the Pizza Oven. Brewdog going …

: Another glorious morning. The weather this summer is incredible.

: Post BBQ(Grill) Cocktail on the Deck

: Quite

: DNS Update Period Does anyone have experience of changing DNS settings? The general view is that: These changes may …

: Watched this Ballerina Dad. So sweet.

: Interesting article from the BBC on Life on the 82 other Great British islands

: I’m going through the 7 stages of grief following my switch to hosted blogs. ☑️ Domain ☑️ DNS …

: Something must be wrong with my DNS settings as I’ve been trying since Friday to setup my hosted …

: Spoiled Dog Clearly she’s leaving this for later.

: the “fun” of setting up a new website

: And now overpaid pundits ego’s explode in a burst of unqualified optimism.

: 🎵 I love rediscovering tracks: Why Did You Do It by Stretch

: Waiting “up to 5 days” for a domain to transition is the new cheque clearing queue…

: Finallly made the switch over to a hosted blog. Micro blog to follow.

: I apologise It has been many weeks since my last submission.

: After eating more than my fair share of fudge I really don’t feel so well…

: The only thing worse than sites which disable paste for the email address field is those asking to …

: The UK will spend more time debating the expansion of Heathrow than on uncertainty and chaos of …

: The clematis has flowered for summer 2018.

: Poor poor show from Microsoft on iOS, particularly in the login to OneDrive. Maybe the “White …

: My bank, ever efficient, has written to me by postal mail (6 double sided pages to be precise) to …

: Fell into the Twitter swamp again. Note to self: Don’t watch BBC Question Time with Twitter open.

: I’m so enjoying re-watching Dire Straits Alchemy Live, recorded from Sky Arts a few weeks ago. I can …

: Hoping from something worthwhile in terms of Mac hardware from WWDC in 2 weeks, with MrsP hopefully …

: We spent the first few years buying plants, trees and soil home to transform our small space it a …

: Looking up hotel website with an animated hourglass as it loads! What is it loading that takes this …

: 1,600 IT workers and engineers denied UK visas - BBC News The thud you can hear is my head hitting …

: If I still opened Tweetbot as much as I used to then I’d be setting Mute Filters: royal wedding …

: Patrick Melrose ★★★★ Benedict Cumberbatch ★★★★★ Unbelievable performance and very enjoyable 1st …

: Working with the Spark Mac app feels more like a game of mortal combat, me against the software, …

: It’s so great to be able to eat dinner outside on the decking. That was such a long Autumn/Fall, …

: Someone must think that this is a perfectly normal thing to sell in a local supermarket

: After 2 weeks of work, work and more work, I’m still suffering from a bit of writers block for …

: After debating (with myself) about my ancient version of Lightroom I might have reached a solution, …

: Someone’s graffiti’d “THE EARTH IS FLAT” on a billboard off the side of the …

: Finally landed back to Earth after more than a week with near 100% focus on one deadline. Feels like …

: Listing 32-bit apps on macOS. Super useful.

: Spend +5minutes sitting in a parking space, thinking that no-ones gonna come by at this time on a …

: If StormTroopers had coffee cups

: My personal debate on new hardware Debating (with myself) the Pros & Cons of an Apple laptop for personal use. The debate forks …

: Double “Done”. Clearly no other option.

: CEO 101: What not to do in the middle of interviews about a corporate merger.

: I love this. Love it.

: The time spent with good friends is the best time, but the fastest to slip by in the blink of an …

: That Other Hops May Live…

: Resolutions for the next 3 months

: I’ve so far resisted installing either the app or MarsEdit on my work issued …

: Noticed that my frequency of posting to DayOne has plummeted since I started a account.

: The end to one of those days…

: The moment when a colleague of the same grade dictates an order like they’re your boss. The Germans …

: How many toys does one small dog need?

: LinkedIn: the network for people you met once at a trade show 6 years ago. Or someone you used to …

: Every time I ctrl+click on a Microsoft Office app on my Mac I’m amazed that there’s no “Create New” …

: nValt no more. The King is dead. Long live the King! Sorry Brett.

: More use of Keyboard Maestro For any Mac user not using Keyboard Maestro then OMG are you missing out. I’ve seen its power before …

: Update : my failing single AirPod (out of warranty) was replaced for free by Apple under “consumer …

: I’ve been thinking over addictive personality. A side to this is my unwillingness to give up, …

: What’s the best alternatives to Lightroom? ( @johnholzer @jack ?) I’ve been using an …

: My Micro-Monday recommendation is for @JohnPhilpin. John mixes short, memorable posts, “I …

: No indication of which app has failed or the potential solution.

: Just seen a commercial for body shaving products for men. Speechless 😶

: Tired today. I’m regretting getting my “Net-Fix” from a certain streaming service …

: Ouch. That’s embarrassing. That’s gonna take a while to get over but we’ve all …

: I think in addition to the fabulous Micro-Monday we need a Food Friday (hint hint @Manton). In order …

: Only the left AirPod is working. So there’s another thing to fix/replace.

: Airline Staff: ”Can you check that your bag fits in here?” Me: “No, it doesn’t.” ”Thank you sir, …

: Spring has finally arrived. Evening bird song, and an active conversation…

: Tried to share photos taken on my SLR with my father, knowing that we used to use Flickr (when it …

: I started with to post micro blogs but I think that my ratio of new posts compared to …

: Insomnia is a bitch. I have been burning the candle at both ends (and in the middle) for too long. …

: Next for Q2 2018 Do More. “Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying” I’m a master of procrastination, and seeking …

: That moment when you realise your phone is full of photos of a small, white1 dog. …

: Parallel Lines

: Victorian Iron

: What’s the best domain? Surname? First Name? Both First Name & Surname? Or something else you …

: So I can add basic plumbing to my CV. Very basic, but enough for tonight thankfully.

: My Micro-Monday recommendation is for @teisam After a few days of amazing discussion with fellow …

: Snowing again. Happy Easter.

: To my Future Self Dear Derek This is from your past self. You know, the one feeling a bit under the weather after a …

: Yesterday was a good day however I’m paying for it today…

: Anything said today should be considered inadmissible in Court.

: Happy. Very Happy

: Almost Feels Like Summer There is something really special about a cocktail bar with a guy on the piano (even on a Sunday …

: All my recent notifications are from What an amazing community. Thank you @manton

: Three blogs walk into a bar... I have 3 blogs I want to write: My industry/career blog which I write and host at A …

: Since the re-awakening of my tumblr blog, I been enjoying the discussion on this evening on running …

: Beyond, what’s the best low cost “service” for a larger blogs? (For mere mortal muggles). …

: Millennial’s having Macdonald. I’ll stick with a salad.

: Just waisted 20mins on HTML image formatting. It may actually be faster for me to write the 1000 …

: Manual edit of HTML on Ground Coffee

: Microsoft Excel for macOS: Application Not Responding The most frequently seen UI element.

: Tumblr, sleeping since 2014

: Dormant Tumblr Opted to start a Tumblr blog for the longer content, not in keeping with a micro blog. Only when …

: When does a micro blog post become a all grown up blog post?

: Call to my wife when driving home: Me: “That’s me on the way to the vets for the dog’s medicines” …

: Old RomanTimes It’s not just Comic Sans which is comically bad. Every time I receive a word document with …

: Finally ruled out NYC as a holiday destination only to be hit by a mail shot from a NYC hotel: a GIF …

: MarsEdit Trialling MarsEdit with both Wordpress blog and…

: 3 Words...

: Old Memories Following my earlier post on re-visiting the Psion 5, I’ve just wasted I don’t know how long looking …

: Malt Poured a drop of Jura Origin. I’d not usually go straight to a malt, but it’s been a hard week. …

: Psion5: What to do with a 20 year old device? Looking into repurposing my Psion 5 and found this relatively recent article from 2015 on The Verge: …

: I don’t care that National Puppy Day was yesterday, I still love this photo of Minnie from 2015.

: Business Travel Next time I travel for work I should make more of an effort to see more than, Airport Train Meeting …

: Short return flight home. Flight out this morning was 16hrs ago, so it’ll be great to be home.

: Bear It Almost every iOS homescreen I’ve seen has the Bear app. I’ve previously not continued with Bear as …

: At 9am I was looking forward to 5 days in the office, clearing a significant backlog. By 10am it all …

: Minnie in March Sunshine Just chilling at the backdoor, undecided whether to come in or not.

: Peter Zinner I watched The Hunter Red October last night, and thumbing through IMDB found that Admiral Padorin …

: I love my AirPods, but it kills me that there’s no way to see the case battery life while both …

: As If By Magic Suddenly our internet connection issue is fixed. The worst engineering problem to have is one which …

: There’s a line fault. The kind that takes and engineer to come to your house, and (hopefully) …

: “What? I’m just lying here”

: Facebook’s contempt for its users My other-half is welded to Facebook, so every now and then I’m obliged to look at it. Aside from the …

: Snow and Icicles

: As a follow-up from yesterday, it’s still coming down. Think I’m living on Hoth.

: MacBook protection, by leather and wool About 18 months ago I purchased a number of sleeves for my MacBook, exploiting Amazon’s generous …

: Call me a Tauntaun ❄️❄️❄️ It snowed. Then it snowed a bit more. Then a blizzard. I did venture out, but when you find your car …

: BBC News Headlines tonight report on the shocking news that it’s still Winter in February. Oh but …

: Amongst the sea of hands holding up smartphones to film the concert, I’ve got to mention the guy …

: Ok, I’m not an American citizen so you may say I don’t the right to comment, but here goes: In my …

: Just dipped into Twitter again. I’m awaiting the crew in Hazmat suits to clean me up.

: I’m so close to using KeyBoardMaestro to automate telling Sierra I’ve no wish to upgrade to High …

: Whilst all most of my timeline sleeps, I’d like to say Good Morning to all outside the US timezones.

: Congratulations to the Mac software team at Microsoft for making the new version of word which …

: Just hand a look at Twitter… I really don’t know why I bother. It’s horrendous.

: Wise words from @macgenie We have the power to change the social network dynamic.

: Ideas for search criteria Links to hosted sites External links Polls (if this …

: Funding Britain’s Future BBC News is reporting new funding for the Best for Britain campaign: We have never hidden our …

: macOS Stability & Recovery 4 years into using a Mac, 3 years with this particular MacBook, I’m only just beginning to …

: Enjoying an Espresso and a sparkling water. Sunday’s can be hard work.

: Twitter “Support” In around 2015 I’d (stupidly) changed my username from my real name to an another name and now …

: HomePod is for us to listen to it. Not the other way round… Design is a series of choices and …

: Unilever Leaving Over Brexit Disappointing but not surprising to see story this in The Times, sadly …

: for Podcast Commentary It’s interesting to see the routes the is taking to …

: Half Baked Brexit Watching the fiasco around Brexit and the number of topics which have still be …

: Every Dog Has It’s Day So great to Minnie back fighting fit. She’s not 100% but it’s huge progress …

: Shouting Into the Void Birds tweet. They call out for whatever reason, and generally it’s background …

: Snowing The problem with snow is that it makes everything look pure, white and romantic… for …

: Seriously? Another Blog? Yes, another blog. Or a mico-blog at least. This has been on the to-do list …